Slacker-ism in IT is something we all went through!! But Enough is Enough! Stop doing it right now! If you’re already reading these lines, you already know why you are here… So it’s beyond the scope of this article to explain what character encoding is or why you should change it to UTF-8 immediately! Therefore, […]
Make your #Ubuntu #Gnome 15.10 desktop cocky again! #conky
Conky is an exceptional system monitor for X, that displays any kind of information on your desktop. If you haven’t met conky until now, do so here. In this tutorial you will install the latest conky manager (2.4 at the time of writing) and some other tools, usually being used by conky themes and widgets. […]
Vagrant repackaging box from existing one #vagrant
Vagrant repackaging is a hacky way to create a new vagrant box from an existing one, which is already configured and well tested. In this article, scope is not to explain the benefits of using virtualization in your development workflows. As well, I’m assuming that you: already have the latest vagrant installed, hostupdater plugin and […]
prefix console.log without affecting the line number #Javascript
Prefixing the console.log while keeping its ability to inform you about the code line wherefrom it was called is little hacky but useful to use in your own javascript applications. I was scratching my head while I was coding in one of my projects, I was up to a point that I needed a more […]
Javascript dynamic method initiation for fallback-ing
You can follow this way of dynamic method initiation when you needed to run dynamically all the object methods or providesome fallbacks to any given function. The code is more or less self explanatory. In case you have any questions or an enchancement drop me a comment. A short brief This code continuously iterates over the object methods […]
RoundCube Password Plugin for virtualmin
Roundcube password plugin for Virutalmin hosting panel is a great feature for your users, if you don’t want them to use Usermin as mail client, and be able to change their password. After long time I decided to research and solve the problem for Roundcube password plugin. At the end of the article you will […]
free dynamic DNS from
Duck DNS DuckDns is a dynamic DNS provider and it does it for free, therefore, you can consider donating some bucks to keep the service up ‘n’ running, because you know… some things cost. Additionally DuckDNS has social login which make signup process really fast and stress-free. You’re going to need about 30-60 seconds and […]
Transmission #torrent client web interface dark theme
Transmission’s bit torrent client dark theme for web interface is available from my repo at github Screenshot: Installation: Run this one liner to your seedbox as root: View the code on Gist.
Setup central syslog server on raspberry pi 2 (and other debian based distros)
Central log server using rsyslog is an asset of your sysadmin life! It may get you on the surface on really critical failures when you manage xyz number of servers and some of them go down. In my case raspberry pi 2 with rasbian (debian wheezy for arm processors) does the job very well, without […]
Optimize only fragmented tables in MySQL
MySQL tables are often fragmented and most of the clients/devs don’t give a f’ about it! They ‘re happy just to blame the sysadmin. So since you’re not a DBA you can’t do magic, but you can optimize these tables for them. For that puprose I use mysqltuner which is written in perl, download it […]