Ripping with dvdrip in cluster mode. Ubuntu 11.10 1

Ripping with dvdrip in cluster mode. Ubuntu 11.10

Ripping with dvdrip in cluster mode.

This is implemented with ubuntu 11.10 but it can be done with other distros too.
You need two or more computers requiring at least one to have installed GUI.

Install the packages of the master node (The master node MUST have GUI installed!).

We don’t require from the slave nodes to have GUI (healess machines maybe?) and so:

After the installation of the packages we must do some configuration.
Create a working directory for dvdrip in the master node if it doesn’ t already exist:

Make it available for everyone:

Creating an export for the ~/dvdrip/ directory:

##Attension at the anonuid and the anongid! It varies from user to user usually taking the numbers 1000 or 1001. To find out that type in your terminal:

To apply the changes:

It is potensial that the master can connect to the slaves through ssh without asking for confirmation, so generate an ssh key in the master:

Hit [ENTER] all the times to accept the defauts.

In the slave nodes also create a directory for dvdrip:

And then mount the exported directory of the master:

Create also an ssh key and then create the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:

Then copy the content of ~/.ssh/ of the master and paste in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the slaves.
Now the master can connect to the slaves without being promt for a password.

Now that we are done with these, we head for the final steps.
Open dvdrip in master and select: Cluster -> Control…
If you get an error message just press “OK“.
Then: Master -> Connect Master Daemon & Node -> Add node.

In the new window apply the following:

Name: slave1 <— (This is up to you.)
Hostname: ip-of-the-slave
Local data directory: ~/dvdrip <— (This is the slave’s directory.)
Speed index: 10-100 <— (How fast you want the slave to operate.)
Node has dvd::rip data harddrive? no
Node runs cluster control daemon? no
Username to connect with ssh: slave1 <— (The username of the slave machine.)

Just hit the “Test settings” button to be sure of your settings and then the “OK” button.
Everything is in place!

Note that with this method ONLY the slaves nodes do the transcoding! If you want to have also the master node transcoding
there is a little trick by adding the master to the cluster.

In the cluster window add the master with:



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