wordpress essential plugins

HowTo Conditionally de-register JS, CSS scripts in WordPress to avoid Dependency Pollution

WordPress is a very popular platform, as you may know already, counting hundreds of thousands of themes and plugins cause of its developer-friendly approach. So, plugins, may have a GUI. User interfaces in web development, as we know it, need css and js for their graphics and functionalities etc. WordPress core dev team brought us, […]

JQuery Tutorials -JQuery Wildcard Selectors 1

JQuery Tutorials -JQuery Wildcard Selectors

So for wildcards this can be done.

Update: I’ve discovered that is not usable in some cases. In case you are really in trouble, you can use

This will work in any of these “Ellement1″,”Ellement2″,”EllementSomething” cases.[/crayon]

JQuery Tutorials – Use JQuery to protect/rewrite emails from spam bots

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Spambot Protection

This jquery snippet protects your published email addresses from being obtained from spam bots. Keep in mind that your (html)code must be in form Peter_[at]_example.com and the emails must be inside an ellement with mail class in order to let javascript replace the correct characters. Of course you can modify it as you wish ;) […]